Monday, February 9, 2009

A-Rod Takes Lesson From The Rocket's Handling of Steroid Issue

If you thought this was the guy that was going to wipe the steroid taint from MLB....well you just got disappointed. If you believe he only used them from 2001-'03 then you are a moron. Look at his physique during the Ranger years....he's much bigger NOW. We always new he was an A-Hole it's just now that we know the A-Hole is dirty.

Rodriguez was red with embarrassment but came clean with Peter Gammons earlier today.

I'm disappointed. I've hated A-Rod since he was with Seattle and was getting ready for free agency. He was asked (I think it was the Chris Meyers show on ESPN) what was more important at that stage of his career: to have a chance to win a title or to get the big contract? I couldn't believe it when he said "Big Contract"! This from a guy who had 5 years of service time and the $ from being a #1 overall draft pick. What a cock! I was glad that Nomar was the SS of the day for me. But I'm still disappointed.

I grew up collecting baseball cards and memorizing the numbers....

.406, 56,60,61*, 755, 4256

Guys who raked 200 hits were awe inspiring. The 140 RBI mark was beastly and when you hit 50 HRs you were an out and out freak! All of these plateaus became common place and when it happened with more and more frequency....I didn't even question it. I'm disappointed in myself for that. Do these guys get a free pass because we condoned the behavior? I'm not sure. What makes baseball interesting though is that it is a team game with many individual battles and those that win battles accumulate numbers....numbers that we remember. None of these numbers are real though and it pisses me off because those 50,000 baseball cards I have are now and forever worth, JACK SQUAT!

Drugs are bad...don't do 'em.

What do we say? The years from 1985 on carry the steroid asterisk? '85 was the Topps McGwire Olympic card which seems like a good jumping off point but to be safe perhaps 1980 is the year. Those cards might be a good investment right now.

What else should we be pissed about? Try the cost of attending a game. Every time a guy juiced it was for the express purpose of padding his numbers and boosting the available dollars in his next contract. The players got rich and we footed the bill.

Oh well. I'm a baseball fan and I'm still going to games this year. I just won't be giving too much weight to any of the numbers these guys throw up. "They" say the numbers don't lie ....except for the last 23 years.

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