Sunday, March 15, 2009

This Is The End: March 15th Round-up

This week was weird...

So LT is staying and the Chargers avoid having to take a RB in the 1st round....hopefully.

Bleacher Bums have on-air meltdown. We laugh, cringe and begin organizing boycotts. Enjoy the photo-shop by Blue in the upper right hand corner. That is your "Un-official" complaint link for the Bums. If they're on air tomorrow....Chicago On A Bun will see a lot more of these:

To whom it may concern:

I have long been a visitor to Di Crescenzos in Rancho Bernardo. Since the change in ownership (to Chicago on a Bun) I have continued to visit your store because, as someone who was born in Chicago, I find the food fantastic. Therefore it pains me to say that I will no longer be giving you my patronage due to your sponsorship of the Bleacher Bums on XX1090.

I am a SAN DIEGO sports fan. Not JUST a fan but a SAN DIEGO sports fan and that is an important distinction to make. I feel as though I am being berated by both Jordan and Earl for simply being from San Diego and following teams that unfortunately lack a winning tradition. As most San Diegans (including myself) are transplants to America's Finest City, I find no problem with the fact that Jordan and Earl hail from other parts of the country. Nor is it an issue that they are both critical of San Diego teams: All good fans should expect a lot of their teams and hold management accountable. I cringe but can live with their inaccurate dissemination of information because I do a fair amount of reading on my own. The issue at hand however, is simply a case of decency towards people who choose to call San Diego home. When someone chooses to go on the air and yell at San Diegans, proclaiming that we, "suck"......there will be repercussions.

Who will pay the price for the indiscretions of the Bleacher Bums? Because XX1090 believes that pawning off a defective product on its consumers is a sound business practice there is only one group to make accountable. I believe that Chicago on a Bun falls within the purview of that group: sponsorship.

My intention is to mobilize support for a boycott of your stores if you continue to run any type of sponsorship with XX1090 and the Bleacher Bums radio program. I will allow you to make the choice during these difficult economic times and this shall remain confidential until I receive word from you.

In the mean time I invite you to view the following link. There are only 44 comments but my software tells me that over 1800 people viewed the post....not one person felt inclined to leave a positive piece of feedback regarding the Bleacher Bums' program. Now if I actually made an effort to consolidate all of the dissatisfied XX1090 listeners, I can promise that you will feel the affects.

In the end this is your choice: do you feel that San Diegans are apathetic and will choose to sit pat or are you worried about the economic viability of your restaurant and your ability to continue to profit and provide employment?


A Concerned
San Diegan

If everyone follows suit with a committed effort to make sponsorship pay we should be free of this horrible broadcasting burden. The grassroots effort begins with you...

You all were apprised of the Holy Trinity Polling: Alba a close 2% second to Biel in Extra Mustard's Hottest Jessica Poll......the gap did not close. We refuse to believe you are apathetic so we'll applaud your taste in another fine Jessica named Biel.
[Here is where we link to ourself because its that good of a post]

SDSU has a great week in baseball sweeping UNLV. I get shut out of Friday Strasburg start when parking garage refuses to take my $20 bill....something about only accepting ones and fives. Alternative neighborhood street parking is also parking until 7pm....I drive home and listen to SS, K the first seven batters he faces. At least it was on the radio...
[619 Sports]

That is what you's what you might not know:

Jay Cutler has gone crazy. He's selling house in Denver. Parents are selling house in Denver. The city of Denver is unhappy with boy and his bad haircut.
[Denver Post]

Former NFL RB, Travis Henry, is in prison for a coke bust, is flat broke, and owes child support.....for his nine nine different women. The next time your life gives you lemons...forget the lemonade and ponder the plight of Travis Henry.
[Denver Post]

The United States beat the Netherlands, 9-3, to stay alive in the World Baseball Classic. Played in Miami, 157 people watched it all unfold. What a terrible baseball city yet they have two World Series Championships.......ahhhh, the torture.
[SD-Union Tribune (AP)]

There's a lot of other stuff that happened too but as far as I'm concerned its the end of the week as we know it...

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