Sunday, December 7, 2008

Belated Thoughts on Week 13

Adrian Peterson is the antithesis of a "Gaping V"...

...perhaps we shouldn't try and conjure the opposite nickname, as that which first "springs" to mind is a bit offensive, even for this locale. We'll just say, "He's a who earns his paycheck each week, and it's good to see!"... this after having watched his Sunday night performance against the Bears.

Our "Gaping V" award will stay with Detroit Lions Safety, Daniel Bullocks, although we will award an Honorable Mention to Norv Turner...

Clarence Shelman... (Who? Exactly!)
and the Chargers Offense...
for their miserable performance against the visiting Falcons....


The Worst Play of the Week:

Jared Allen of the Vikings going from a more conventional mullet (and acceptable mullet if there is such a thing): the god awful,

"I shaved my head but left a tuft in the back
because this is how we do it at Idaho"

The more abbreviated label would be a Shavedskullet...we here at the Blog could not obtain an image of Allen sporting the new abomination so this reasonable facsimile from a reputable internet site will have to do...(yes, we combed the internet for this horrific picture...)
For more "affronts to humanity": Click Here.

Jared Allen beats out Plaxico Buress (amazingly) and gets our Worst Play of the Week.


The "We Almost Got To Add Another Patriot To Our Blog Poll about Season Ending Injuries" goes to the big hit by Steeler Ryan Clark on Wes Welker last Sunday...

That hit was the perfect cap to a holiday weekend of giving thanks. Thank you Ryan Clark!

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