Monday, January 12, 2009

Season's End Breeds Existential Dillema...hyperbole alert...

"Tim Dobbins and Eric Weddle Stop Willie Parker" was the UT caption for this photo....Are you kidding me! We didn't stop Willie Parker ALL DAY LONG...nor is tackling really when two human beings ride you 'til you fall 5 yards down field...sorry but it's not....and it's a problem worth discussing.

Ye quietly devoted Charger Fans and Patriot Haters: I found myself quite conflicted this morning as I decided whether or not to keep my New Year's resolution. Do I post Dear Patriot Tears (wretched Patriot nonsense) every day when I feel as though I need to take a break and decompress after a difficult end to the Bolts' season? I decided to abandon Patriot Tears and take a break all together...

Then I changed my mind. I looked at the ol' Google Analytics this morning and I was quickly reminded that while the majority of people who view this Blog each day are from CA and presumably Charger Fans there is also a disparate collection of readers from Australia to Singapore, Brazil to the UK, and France to the Eastern Block of Europe. This is to say nothing for the fact that nearly 40/50 U.S. states have taken a peek. At that moment I decided that the Patriot Haters of the World needed their daily fix of Bahhston Cries and that the Trail of Tears would continue...

Taking the Piss out of Patriot Fan is too much Fun to Abandon

As a Charger Fan, however, I was not crazy about espousing Patriot Hatred while remaining mum about MY team...The San Diego Chargers. In the form of new ownership for the Padres we have witnessed a glimmer of hope sparkling on the distant horizon that is the Padres' 2009 baseball season yet I find myself still very detached. Because of my continued attachment to football I would like to continue talking football and therefore there will be no break.

This is an issue worth discussing. What's the LT answer?

I know people are reading but I often feel like a tree falling in the wilderness with no one to witness it....does that tree make a sound with out a soul there to hear it? The origins of this blog were rooted in a desire for a Charger/Padre fan to vent about East Coast Sports Elitism.....specifically in the form of the New England Patriot Fan base. This blog was also meant to be a forum for others of like mind (trolls are also welcome as we champion dissent) to comment, discuss, propose, and answer questions amongst themselves. My writing is long winded, verbose, occasionally funny and just downright stupid sometimes....but it is always rooted in being a fan of San Diego teams who have NEVER won a championship ( I refuse to count the Chargers' 1963 AFL Championship against the Boston Patriots as it was before my time....yet I love the irony of the team that we beat).

So I guess my point is this: What do the Chargers need to do to improve for next season? What are our primary draft needs? How can I interject Jessica Alba into an off season discussion forum? These are all pressing issues that demand resolution.....we need your comments though...let's discuss...

Commenting For Dummies:
  • Go to the bottom of post you have just read.
  • See-- "0 Comments" or 1...or 2....pathetically 6 is the record for this little Blog.
  • Click "0 Comments" or 1...or 2....pathetically 6 is the record number for this little Blog.
  • Type Thoughts in Pop up Box.
  • Click Anonymous or sign in with a g-mail account. Creative names are the best.."DieTeddyDie"
  • Then Click "publish your comment"

I guess it's not that difficult to work in the odd picture here and there...

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